Text translations in %1 are not available for the products listed below. It is highly recommended that you provide the translations in order to avoid blank product names and descriptions. Select a product and click Language > Translations to enter the translations.
Test the connection between Dynamics 365 Online and the Exchange server that you have configured in this Email Server Profile ...
Test your network connection to ensure you have access to the internet. Online services will not be available without an ...
Text fields in the ISO20022 schema. We've taken the maximum text size so as to be able to accommodate fields from non ISO ...
Text that will be shown in the status line in the bottom of the screen. The text will be prefixed with the version control ...
Text translations in %1 are not available for the products listed below. It is highly recommended that you provide the translations ...
Text, Code, and Binary type codes cannot be more than %8 characters long. The %2.1 field in the %1.1 table is %7 characters ...
Thank you for submitting your requests to the following application roles %1 Please allow up to two days to process this ...
Thank you for taking the time to send us feedback. Your privacy is important to us. To protect your privacy, please don't ...
Thank you for trying Dynamics 365. We see that you are currently using Microsoft Invoicing. At this time, we have limited ...