$owaFullPath = "$RoleInstallPath\ClientAccess\Owa\web.config"; $ecpFullPath = "$RoleInstallPath\ClientAccess\Ecp\web.config"; if ($RoleDatacenterLiveIdAuthModuleSDFSiteName -ne $null -and $RoleDatacenterLiveIdAuthModuleSDFSiteName -ne "") { set-appconfigvalue -ConfigFileFullPath:"$owaFullPath" -Element:configuration/appSettings -AppSettingKey:LiveIdAuthModuleSDFSiteName -NewValue:"$RoleDatacenterLiveIdAuthModuleSDFSiteName"; set-appconfigvalue -ConfigFileFullPath:"$ecpFullPath" -Element:configuration/appSettings -AppSettingKey:LiveIdAuthModuleSDFSiteName -NewValue:"$RoleDatacenterLiveIdAuthModuleSDFSiteName"; }
Owa InstantMessaging provider failed to initialize due to incorrect IM configuration on the server. Signin attempts to OWA ...
OWA is unavailable as requests to OWA are failing with Http Error code 503. At least %1 line(s) in %2 log lines indicated ...
OWA Lync IM failure rate for method %1 has exceeded the threshold of %2 percent failures in last %3 minutes. Exception Summary: ...
OWA Outside-in monitoring probes are reporting a failure rate of %1 on this server, which is greater than threshold of %2. ...
owaFullPath = "$RoleInstallPath\ClientAccess\Owa\web.config"; $ecpFullPath = "$RoleInstallPath\ClientAccess\Ecp\web.config"; ...
Paged pool memory on server {2} is over the warning threshold of {8} MB. This may not be a problem if a backup is currently ...
Parameters -Suspend and -Resume do not support the 'False' value. Please use -Suspend parameter if you need to suspend synchronization, ...
Parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix are not appended on server {2}. Please select 'Append parent suffixes of the primary ...
Parses and stores message information in the MessageTracing database. If this service is stopped, customers and CSS will ...