Provides the types to access a database, using a LINQ-to-Entities mapping The connection string for the database connection ...

Provides the types to access a database, using a LINQ-to-Entities mappingThe connection string for the database connectionThe name of the connection string for the database connection in the configuration file.The local file for the database schemaThe name of the ADO.NET data provider to be used for ssdl generation (default: System.Data.SqlClient)The name to use for the EntityContainer in the conceptual modelThe name of the configuration file used for connection strings (default: app.config or web.config is used)The name of the data directory, used to replace |DataDirectory| in connection strings (default: the project or script directory)The folder used to resolve relative file paths at compile-time (default: folder containing the project or script)Require that a direct connection to the database be available at design-time and force the refresh of the local schema file (default: true)Automatically pluralize or singularize class and member names using English language rules (default: false)Exclude foreign key properties in entity type definitions (default: false)