%1!s! [ [ verbose = ] DISABLE|ENABLE ] Shows firewall allowed program configuration. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). DISABLE - Display only summary information (default). ENABLE - Display all available information. Examples: %1!s! %1!s! ENABLE %1!s! verbose=ENABLE IMPORTANT: "netsh firewall" is deprecated; use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead. For more information on using "netsh advfirewall firewall" commands instead of "netsh firewall", see KB article 947709 at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=121488 .
s! type = PAP|MD5CHAP|MSCHAPv2|EAP|CERT Selects the types of authentication which this Remote Access server will attempt ...
s! type = SWC|LCP Adds to the list of link properties PPP will negotiate. type - the type SWC - Provides software compression ...
s! type = SWC|LCP Deletes from the list of link properties PPP will negotiate. type - the type SWC - Provides software compression ...
s! verbose = DISABLE|ENABLE Shows current firewall state. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). DISABLE - Display ...
s! verbose = DISABLE|ENABLE Shows firewall allowed program configuration. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). ...
s! verbose = DISABLE|ENABLE Shows firewall configuration. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). DISABLE - Display ...
s! verbose = DISABLE|ENABLE Shows firewall ICMP configuration. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). DISABLE - Display ...
s! verbose = DISABLE|ENABLE Shows firewall port configuration. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). DISABLE - Display ...
s! verbose = DISABLE|ENABLE Shows firewall service configuration. Parameters: verbose - Verbose mode (optional). DISABLE ...