The object name '{0}' is not unique. You must use a fully-qualified name, in the format '[module_guid].package_name.object_name'.
The object ID of the module that was being executed when the plan was applied. If the guide was not applied in a module, ...
The object is in a zombie state. An object may enter a zombie state when either ITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort ...
The object model cannot be used since there is no available session context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
The object model does not accept the calls from non-server threads. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer object ...
The object name '{0}' is not unique. You must use a fully-qualified name, in the format '[module_guid].package_name.object_name'. ...
The object name '{0}' is not valid. The name cannot start or end with whitespace and it cannot contain any of the following ...
The object name cannot be changed from "%1!s!" to "%2!s!" because another object in the collection already uses that name. ...
The object referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata ...
The object type for parameter {0} is not valid. Valid object type values are 20 (project), 30 (package), or 50 (execution). ...