Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a join using an ODBC standard escape syntax. Consider using an ANSI join syntax instead.
Cannot create %1!s! on the view '%2!s!' because it references a sparse column set. Views that contain a sparse column set ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a COMPUTE clause. Consider not indexing this view, or using a GROUP ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a CUBE, ROLLUP, or GROUPING SETS operator. Consider not indexing ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a join that uses deprecated Transact-SQL join syntax ( *= and =* ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a join using an ODBC standard escape syntax. Consider using an ANSI ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains a ranking or aggregate window function. Remove the function from ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains an OUTER APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or removing OUTER ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains more than one APPLY. Consider not indexing the view, or using only ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view "%2!s!" because it contains one or more subqueries. Consider changing the view to use only joins ...