Could not generate the proxy for the given web service. The following errors were encountered while generating the proxy "%1!s!".
Could not find where SqlMonitor.exe is installed. Please check your Microsoft SQL Server installation and make sure HKEY ...
Could not force query plan because XML showplan provided in USE PLAN hint contains invalid Star Join specification. Consider ...
Could not generate a list of fields for the query. Check the query syntax or click Refresh Fields on the query toolbar. {0} ...
Could not generate a list of fields for the query. Click Ok to continue editing the query or Cancel to close the DataSet ...
Could not generate the proxy for the given web service. The following errors were encountered while generating the proxy ...
Could not generate the proxy for the specified Web service. The following errors were encountered while generating the proxy: ...
Could not get destination column information because the data type mapping file could not be loaded. Mapping file name: {0} ...
Could not get destination column information because the source to destination data type mapping file was not available. ...
Could not get provider invariant name from the connection type qualifier "{0}". You may need to manually edit the 'Qualifier' ...