Cannot change the Name or Namespace of Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{0}' and Namespace '{1}' to Name '{2}' and Namespace '{3}' as there are existing references to another Entity with the same Name and Namespace.
Cannot cast stream provided by Database Access Provider '{0}', which is of Type '{3}', into a stream of Type '{1}' by using ...
Cannot change budget setting for assigned resources}This resource has existing assignments that would be invalid if the budget ...
Cannot change item-level permissions because this list or document library contains a column that enforces unique values. ...
Cannot change the Microsoft SharePoint Server crawl behavior which would result in truncating existing start-addresses. For ...
Cannot change the Name or Namespace of Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{0}' and Namespace '{1}' to Name '{2}' and ...
cannot change the password for the logon account '|1' because the current connection is using Microsoft Windows NT integrated ...
Cannot change the type of table '%1!.1023s!'; the table '%2!.1023s!' already exists using the same row type '%3!.1023s!'. ...
Cannot change the XML mapping for the specified object, because it is already bound to an XML map. Use the Clear method to ...
Cannot clear the selected cells because some or all of them are in required columns. Cells in required columns must have ...