Number of active and inactive mailboxes over time. A mailbox is considered inactive if a user has not logged in for more than 30 days. Number of inactive mailboxes are grouped by the number of days the user has not logged in.
Now that SharePoint Online has been updated, take advantage of the newest features. Go to SharePoint Online administration ...
Now that you have successfully signed into the Administration Center, we recommend that you immediately create a personal ...
Now that you have successfully signed into the Administration Center, we recommend that you immediately create a personal ...
Now that you've updated your domain name from {0} to {1}, you need to send the following instructions to the person who manages ...
Number of active and inactive mailboxes over time. A mailbox is considered inactive if a user has not logged in for more ...
Number of active and inactive mailboxes over time. A mailbox is considerered active if a user has accessed it atleast once ...
Office 365 desktop setup was unable to download updates to your computer. Verify your network connection and proxy settings, ...
Office 365 services are not available because there is a delay in processing your payment. Your services will be available ...
Office 365 services are temporarily unavailable. This could be due to a delay in the setup of your services, an expired subscription, ...