Your application tier service account is currently set to a system account and cannot be used by reports to read warehouse data. You must supply a non-system account.
Your action caused a check-out of the file(s), and a new version from source control has been loaded in the development environment. ...
Your app handles the uninstalling app event. Ensure that the Windows Azure Cloud Web Service project is deployed to the emulator ...
Your app will be hosted by {0} ({1}), so it can be tested. It's using a self-signed certificate. To show the content inside ...
Your app will be hosted by {0} ({1}), so it can be tested. It's using a self-signed certificate. To show the content inside ...
Your application tier service account is currently set to a system account and cannot be used by reports to read warehouse ...
Your binding could not be changed. To save the new binding information, it is necessary to modify your solution file. This ...
Your browser does not support launching network files directly. To launch this file, you first need to modify your browser ...
Your browser is security restricted., JavaScript or cookies are disabled. Scripting and cookies are required for the sign-in ...
Your changes could not be saved because the server did not respond. Wait a few moments, and then re-try saving your changes. ...