Changes that have been made on other tabs will not be synchronized with the attributes shown on the attribute editor tab. If an attribute is changed on the attribute editor tab and one or more other tabs without applying between changes then the state of the attribute will be indeterminate when the changes are applied.
Changes have been made on this tab. It is recommended that those changes are applied before editing any attributes on any ...
Changes made to activity logging will not take effect until the Fax Service restarts. Do you want to restart the Fax Service ...
Changes made to the following transport object could not be communicated to Active Directory Domain Services. Transport: ...
Changes made to the following transport object could not be communicated to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. ...
Changes that have been made on other tabs will not be synchronized with the attributes shown on the attribute editor tab. ...
Changes the available area of the input to the specified rectangle. Provides an optimization for scenarios where a bitmap ...
Changes the behavior of IShellFolder::BindToObject for IID_IPropertySetStorage to not bind directly to the IPropertySetStorage ...
Changes the cmd.exe command prompt. PROMPT text text Specifies a new command prompt. Prompt can be made up of normal characters ...
Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } OVERRIDE NOERR ID={ | } Specifies the ...