Indicates not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller. This allows, for example, all privileges to be disabled without having to know exactly which privileges are assigned.
Indicates a revision number encountered or specified is not one known by the service. It may be a more recent revision than ...
Indicates an error has occurred during a registry transaction commit. The database has been left in an unknown, but probably ...
Indicates an operation has been attempted on a built-in (special) SAM account which is incompatible with built-in accounts. ...
Indicates generic access types were contained in an access mask which should already be mapped to non-generic access types. ...
Indicates not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller. This allows, for example, all privileges to ...
Indicates that a thread attempted to terminate itself by default (called NtTerminateThread with NULL) and it was the last ...
Indicates that an attempt to build either an inherited ACL or ACE was not successful. This can be caused by a number of things. ...
Indicates that an attempt was made to assign protection to a file system file or directory and one of the SIDs in the security ...
Indicates that an attempt was made to grow an LDT by setting its size, or that the size was not an even number of selectors. ...