Allowing web content to open a program can be useful, but it can potentially harm your computer. Do not allow it unless you trust the source of the content. What's the risk?
Allowed to write systemPossSuperiors and systemAuxClasses as possSuperiors and auxClasses, if schema circular dependencies ...
Allowing active content such as script and ActiveX controls can be useful. However, active content might also harm your computer. ...
Allowing detected items to run might put your privacy, PC security, or PC performance at risk. Are you sure you want to do ...
Allowing unsecured communication may expose your network to security risks by allowing IP traffic to be sent with no authentication ...
Allowing web content to open a program can be useful, but it can potentially harm your computer. Do not allow it unless you ...
Allows Administrators to enable and disable the ability for Outlook Express users to save or open attachments that can potentially ...
Allows Administrators to enable and disable the Media Explorer Bar and set the auto-play default. The Media Explorer Bar ...
Allows administrators to use the Windows Firewall component in Control Panel to define a local port exceptions list. Windows ...
Allows administrators to use the Windows Firewall component in Control Panel to define a local program exceptions list. Windows ...