Description: Adds a driver package that is in the WDS driver store to an existing boot image on the server. The image version ...

Description: Adds a driver package that is in the WDS driver store
             to an existing boot image on the server. The image version
             must be Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later.

WDSUTIL [Options]
        /Image: /ImageType:Boot
        /Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64 | arm} [/Filename:]
        {/DriverPackage: | /PackageId:}

        The name of the WDS server. This can be either the NetBIOS
        name or the FQDN.  If not specified, the local server will be

        The name of the image to add the driver to.

        The type of image to add the driver to.  Driver packages can
        only be added to boot images.

/Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64 | arm}
        The architecture of the boot image.  Since it is possible to
        have the same image name for boot images in different
        architectures, you should specify the architecture to ensure
        the correct image is used.

        If the image cannot be uniquely identified by name, the file
        name must be specified.

        The name of the driver package to add to the image.

        The WDS ID of the driver package to add.  You must specify
        this option if the driver package cannot be uniquely
        identified by name,

WDSUTIL /Add-ImageDriverPackage /Image:"WinPE Boot Image" /ImageType:Boot
/Architecture:x86 /DriverPackage:XYZ

WDSUTIL /verbose /Add-ImageDriverPackage /Image:"WinPE Boot Image"
/Server:MyWDSServer /ImageType:Boot /Architecture:x64