This message was not delivered to %1 because the address is outside of your organization and is not federated with your company, or the address is incorrect. Please contact your system administrator with this information. (ID: %4)
This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for internet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients. ...
This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for internet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients." ...
This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for intranet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients. ...
This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for intranet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients." ...
This message was not delivered to %1 because the address is outside of your organization and is not federated with your company, ...
This message was not delivered to %1 because the conversation is already in progress. Check your open conversations, or try ...
This message was not delivered to %1 because the message contents are restricted by policy. Contact your system administrator ...
This message was not delivered to %1, possibly because it contains a hyperlink or other content that the system administrator ...
This operation could not be completed because you are not signed in to Communicator. Sign in to Communicator and try again. ...