You can wait while music is added or select OK to continue using Media Center. Selecting OK may slow the process of adding music.
You are currently logged on as a Guest. Media Center requires a non-Guest account. If you need to change your user account ...
You can make video look as good as possible by adjusting the controls on your display. To see a list of controls you can ...
You can set up either one or two tuners for use with Media Center. With two tuners, Media Center can enable you to watch ...
You can set up either one or two tuners for use with Media Center. With two tuners, Media Center can enable you to watch ...
You can wait while music is added or select OK to continue using Media Center. Selecting OK may slow the process of adding ...
You cannot send or receive messages because your status is set to Appear Offline. You can change this setting from the Windows ...
You have 16 devices listed, which is the maximum number. Please disconnect the new device, delete a listed device, and then ...
You have been signed out of Messenger because your credentials have changed. Please sign in again using your new credentials. ...
You have completed the following steps. To change any of these settings, select Settings from the Start menu in Media Center. ...