Usage: ClmUtil [Options] (-encodedpapi | -decodedpapi) In [Out] Encode/Decode using DPAPI with the current machine's key. The data is given by In and is output to Out. If Out is omitted from the command line then the output goes to the console; otherwise it is written to the file Out Options: -base64 [on|off] -- Base64 encoding/decoding on or off. Default is on -file -- The In argument is a path to a file. Default -inline -- The In argument is the string to encode ClmUtil -? -- Display verb list ClmUtil -encodedpapi -? -- Display help text for 'encodedpapi' command
Usage: ClmUtil -listca Display all 3rd party CA connectors that are registered Examples: ClmUtil -listca ClmUtil -? - Display ...
Usage: ClmUtil -migrateuser -oldUserId "oldUserUuid" -newUserId "newUserUuid" -newUserForestName "newUserForestName" Migrate ...
Usage: ClmUtil -recommissionca ID Re-commission specified CA connector - set CA to be active after it was decommissioned ...
Usage: ClmUtil -removeca ID Unregister specified CA connector ID is the numeric id of the connector returned by the -addca ...
Usage: ClmUtil Options (-encodedpapi | -decodedpapi) In Out Encode/Decode using DPAPI with the current machine's key. The ...
Usage: ClmUtil Options -deletecertificate CAMachine CertHash Deletes a request from the specified CA and the associated certificate ...
Usage: ClmUtil Options -sync CAMachine Synchronize the CA database and the FIM CM database (Certificates table) CAMachine ...
Usage: ClmUtil Options -syncrequest CAMachine RequestId User CAMachine is the path to the CA RequestId (the certificate identifier ...
Usage: RMSConnectorSetup.exe to do silent setup To install admin tool only: RMSConnectorSetup.exe /install /quiet InstallAdminOnly=true ...