EXPLANATION You specified an hour in a format that could not be recognized. The hour can be a number from 0 to 12 in 12-hour format or 0 to 24 in 24-hour format. If you use the 12-hour format, you must specify either AM or PM for each time. ACTION Retype the command with the correct hour format.
EXPLANATION You have tried to use the network before starting the Workstation service. ACTION Start the Workstation service ...
EXPLANATION You mixed 12- and 24-hour formats in your time specification. If you use the 12-hour format (with AM and PM), ...
EXPLANATION You specified a job identification number that does not exist. ACTION To see the list of jobs and identification ...
EXPLANATION You specified a time range that starts later than it ends. Time ranges must start and end on the same day. ACTION ...
EXPLANATION You specified an hour in a format that could not be recognized. The hour can be a number from 0 to 12 in 12-hour ...
EXPLANATION You specified an illegal range of days. You must also type a hyphen between the first and last days of each range. ...
EXPLANATION You specified an unknown group name. ACTION Check the spelling of the group name. To display a list of the groups ...
EXPLANATION You specified an unknown user name. ACTION Check the spelling of the user name. To display a list of the users ...
EXPLANATION You specified invalid values for one or more of the service's options. ACTION Retype the command with correct ...