Neither the language requested in 'login %1!s!' nor user default language %2!s! is an official language name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default %3!s! instead.
Near character position {4} in the input string, the value of the {2} property for the {0} {1}' is "{3}", which is not a ...
Near character position {4} in the input string, the value of the {2} property for the {0} {1}' is "{3}", which is not a ...
Neither JRE 1.4 nor JRE 1.5 required for SSMA is installed. If you have required version of JRE installed on your computer, ...
Neither the database "%1!s!" requested by the login nor the user default database could be opened. The master database is ...
Neither the language requested in 'login %1!s!' nor user default language %2!s! is an official language name on this SQL ...
Neither the partner nor the witness server instance for database "%1!s!" is available. Reissue the command when at least ...
Neither XMLDATA nor XMLSCHEMA supports namespace elements or attributes such as '%1!s!'. Run the SELECT FOR XML statement ...
Nested table keys in a SHAPE query must be sorted in the same order as the parent table. The nested query may be missing ...
Network error 1!s! occurred while sending data to the client on process ID %2!s! batch ID %3!s!. A common cause for this ...