Messages from your POP account(s) will be delivered to your primary account. Do you want to keep your primary account as the delivery location for POP messages?
Members of the e-mail distribution list cannot be granted permission to the workspace because you are working offline in ...
Message cannot be sent because the message is infected with a virus. Visit for an anti-virus ...
Message Recall attempts to delete or replace a message that you previously sent. Since you are not the original sender of ...
Message recall can delete or replace copies of this message in recipient Inboxes, if they have not yet read this message. ...
Messages from your POP account(s) will be delivered to your primary account. Do you want to keep your primary account as ...
Messages may contain encryption and digital signature layers. Each digital signature layer may contain multiple signatures. ...
Messages sent and received using HTTP e-mail accounts cannot be filtered using Outlook rules. If server-based message filtering ...
Messages sent and received using HTTP e-mail accounts cannot be filtered using Outlook rules. If server-based message filtering ...
Micronesia (Federated States of)|Micronesia|Mikronesien|Micronésie (États fédérés de)|Stati Federati di Micronesia|Estados ...