|0 may contain features that are not compatible with |1. Do you want to keep the workbook in this format? • To keep this format, which leaves out any incompatible features, click Yes. • To preserve the features, click No. Then save a copy in the latest Excel format.
Maximum time (in seconds) that a computed value for a volatile function is cached for automatic recalculations. Valid values: ...
Maximum time (in seconds) that the system can use results from "on open" or periodic external data queries. Valid values: ...
Maximum time (in seconds) that the system can use results from explicit manual external data queries. Valid values: -1 (never ...
may contain features that are not compatible with this format. Do you want to continue to save in this format? For more information ...
may contain features that are not compatible with |1. Do you want to keep the workbook in this format? To keep this format, ...
may contain features that are not compatible with |1. Do you want to keep the workbook in this format? To keep this format, ...
Members of this group can view pages, list items, and documents. If the document has a server rendering available, they can ...
Members of this group can view pages, list items, and documents. If the document has a server-side file handler available, ...
Memory was used up attempting to convert and save PivotTable report data from a different version. Data for the saved PivotTable ...