We can't refresh your (!idspnExcel) previews because (!idspnExcel) is busy. If you are editing in (!idspnExcel), please save and try again.
We can't access this section file or the attached file because the file was moved, the file name is invalid, or the file ...
We can't back up your notebook because the path to some section files is too long. Please rename or move your sections to ...
We can't create a new Quick Note because we can't find your Quick Notes section.Please tell us where to put Quick Notes by ...
We can't move this notebook because it's in an old format.To update it, go to File > Info, click the Settings button, then ...
We can't refresh your (!idspnExcel) previews because (!idspnExcel) is busy. If you are editing in (!idspnExcel), please save ...
We can't sync because the Require Check Out option is selected on the server. Disable the option, or move the notebook to ...
We can't sync because the Require Check Out or the Required Properties option is selected on the server. Disable the option, ...
We can't sync because the Required Properties option is selected on the server. Disable the option, or move the notebook ...
We can't sync because the server doesn't support this version of (!idspnOneNote). Please install the latest updates to (!idspnOneNote) ...