Specify whether to restrict the set of e-mail servers that can route mail directly to this server farm. This setting can help ensure the authenticity of e-mail stored in SharePoint sites. Enter one IP address per line in the format "" or ",".
Specify whether to filter alerts based on specific criteria. You may also restrict your alerts to only include items that ...
Specify whether to group attachments in folders, and whether to overwrite existing files with the same name as incoming files. ...
Specify whether to limit the amount of storage available on a Site Collection, and set the maximum amount of storage, and ...
Specify whether to restore only the configuration settings from this backup package. Choose 'Restore only configuration settings' ...
Specify whether to restrict the set of e-mail servers that can route mail directly to this server farm. This setting can ...
Specify whether to save attachments included with an incoming e-mail message as attachments to the item created in this {0}. ...
Specify whether to send users their user name and password by e-mail. If this option is turned off, a new user can't access ...
Specify whether to use existing accounts for users, or whether to automatically create accounts for users in the active directory. ...
Specify whether users can change the values for this property in their user profile. Users with the Manage Profile permission ...