Create a copy of this page, and assign some of its URLs to point to the new page. You can then modify the new page to change the appearance of only the URLs that you reassign.
Crawled properties are automatically extracted from crawled content. Users can perform queries over managed properties. Use ...
Crawling might be paused because a backup or an index move operation is in progress. Are you sure you want to resume this ...
Create a basic page when you want to add a simple Web page to this site. You can modify the page by adding text, pictures, ...
Create a connection to a database, file, SharePoint list, or other source.This command is disabled because this SharePoint ...
Create a copy of this page, and assign some of its URLs to point to the new page. You can then modify the new page to change ...
Create a decisions list when you want to keep track of all decisions made at the meeting. Attendees and others can then review ...
Create a discussion board when you want to provide a place for newsgroup-style discussions. Discussion boards provide features ...
Create a document library when you have a collection of documents or other files that you want to share. Document libraries ...
Create a filter to control the data a dashboard displays.This command is disabled because this SharePoint location does not ...