This method is used exclude disks from the chkdsk operation to be run at the next reboot. If not excluded, chkdsk is performed ...

This method is used exclude disks from the chkdsk operation to be run at the next reboot. If not excluded, chkdsk is performed on the disk if the dirty bit has been set for the disk. Note that the calls to exclude disks are not cumulative. That is, if a call is made to excluded some disks, then the new list is not added to the list of ones that were already marked for exclusion, instead the new list of disks overwrites the previous one. The method is applicable to only those instances of logical disk that represent a physical disk in the machine and is not applicable to mapped logical drives. 
For example, a valid specification of drives would be \"C:\", \"d:\",\"G:\"  Note that the colon is required with the drive letter.