Email cannot be received for the mailbox {0} because a server certificate required to connect to the email server couldnot be validated or the credentials used to receive email are incorrect or do not have permission. Mailbox {0} didn't synchronize. A notification about this is posted on the alerts wall for the owner of the email server profile {1}.
Email cannot be received because the number of allowed connections to the mailbox {0} has been exceeded. The mailbox didn't ...
Email cannot be received because the number of allowed connections to the mailbox {0} has been exceeded. The owner of the ...
Email cannot be received because the number of allowed connections to your mailbox {0} has been exceeded. The owner of the ...
Email cannot be received because your mailbox {0} does not have an email server profile associated with it or the email server ...
Email cannot be received for the mailbox {0} because a server certificate required to connect to the email server couldnot ...
Email cannot be received for the mailbox {0} because a server certificate required to connect to the email server using SSL ...
Email cannot be received for the mailbox {0} because an error occurred while establishing a secure connection to the email ...
Email cannot be received for the mailbox {0} because the email address of the mailbox {0} is not approved and the mailbox ...
Email cannot be received for the mailbox {0}. Make sure that the credentials specified in the mailbox are correct and have ...