You have opted to change how Microsoft SharePoint Workspace restricts messages received from other SharePoint Workspace users. ...

You have opted to change how Microsoft SharePoint Workspace restricts messages received from other SharePoint Workspace users.

Enable this feature only as a temporary solution if you are receiving a large number of unwanted messages from unknown contacts and want to block these messages.  As a permanent solution, Microsoft recommends that you create a new identity, migrate your existing workspaces to the new identity, delete the identity receiving unwanted messages, and then disable this feature as soon as possible to avoid unintended data loss.

If you use this feature, SharePoint Workspace will allow you to receive messages ONLY from users who are:

In your contact list
Verified by you or your administrator
Members of one or more of your workspaces

SharePoint Workspace will automatically and irrecoverably delete messages from other SharePoint Workspace users.  To receive messages from new unverified SharePoint Workspace users you will first need to add them to your contact list.

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