The database subscription notification could not be authorized. Notifications will be sent without authorizing the subscription's owner for the instances being notified. The following errors were encountered: Exception message: %5 One or more subscriptions were affected by this. Subscription name: %2 Instance name: %3 Instance ID: %4 Management group: %1
The database subscription is unable to save the state of triggered Windows workflow because of database errors. You will ...
The database subscription is unable to save the watermark because of database errors. If the module is restarted you may ...
The database subscription is unable to trigger the Windows workflow because of Data Access service errors. The following ...
The database subscription notification acknowledgement is taking longer than expected. The following errors were encountered: ...
The database subscription notification could not be authorized. Notifications will be sent without authorizing the subscription's ...
The database subscription query is longer than expected. Check the database or simplify the database subscription criteria. ...
The database subscription ran into errors while removing the subscription. The following errors were encountered: Exception ...
The database subscription was unable to notify about instances that matched its criteria because of runtime errors. The following ...
The database subscription Windows workflow configuration is not valid. The following errors were encountered: Exception message: ...