To enable or disable the use of DHCP ID Resource Record for registering AAAA records in the DNS Server. Syntax: set NameProtection ...

To enable or disable the use of DHCP ID Resource Record for registering 
AAAA records in the DNS Server.
        set NameProtection [Enable=]{0|1} 
        Enable        - Indicates whether to enable or disable the dynamic 
                        updates of DNS AAAA records using the DHCP ID 
                        Resource Records.
Example:       set NameProtection enable= 1 
               This command will enable Name Protection.
Notes:         Name Protection provides the following capability: 
               The DHCP server will register AAAA and PTR records on 
               behalf of a client, however if there is a different 
               client already registered with this name, the DHCP 
               update will fail. 
               Secure Dynamic Updates must be enabled for Name 
               Protection to work. 
               Enforcing Name Protection will result in following 
               behavioral changes: 
                - DHCP server honors request for AAAA and PTR records 
                  registration for Windows DHCP clients. 
                - DHCP server dynamically updates AAAA and PTR records 
                  for Non Windows DHCP clients. 
                - DHCP server discards AAAA and PTR records when 
                  lease is deleted.