The function import '{0}' can be mapped only to a store function that returns rows with one column. The store function '{1}' returns rows with multiple columns.
The function '{0}' has a return data type '{1}' that is currently not supported for the target .NET Framework version. The ...
The function '{0}' has no defining expression. A user-defined function needs a defining expression for successful execution. ...
The function '{0}' has the parameter '{1}' at the parameter index {2} that has the data type '{3}' which is not supported ...
The function '{0}' returns the data type '{1}' that is not supported for the target .NET Framework version. The function ...
The function import '{0}' can be mapped only to a store function that returns rows with one column. The store function '{1}' ...
The function import '{0}' has a parameter of a collection or reference type. Parameters of a collection or reference type ...
The function import '{0}' is declared as composable and side-effecting. A function import can be either composable or side-effecting, ...
The function import '{0}' is not mapped to a store function. A function import needs to be mapped for successful execution. ...
The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set and an entity set path. A function import may only specify one of these ...