Usage: %1!s! interface= rr= level=]normal|verbose store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value interface - Interface name ...

Usage: %1!s! [[interface=]] [[rr=]] 
             [[level=]normal|verbose] [[store=]active|persistent]


       Tag         Value
       interface - Interface name or index.
       rr        - A rate in seconds between refreshment of interface
       level     - One of the following values:
                   normal: Display one line per interface.  This is
                           the default when no interface is given.
                   verbose: Display extra information on each
                            interface.  This is the default when an
                            interface is given.
       store     - One of the following values:
                   active: Show interfaces in the stack (default).
                   persistent: Show persistent interfaces.

Remarks: Displays information about all interfaces, or about a given
         interface if one is specified.