Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the registry or contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) for assistance. For information about how to contact PSS, see
Verify that the critical User Profile Application and User Profile Proxy Application timer jobs are available and have not ...
Verify that the field value is a valid password. It must be at least 8 characters, with one upper case letter, one lower ...
Verify that the form or section you are signing is correct, as well as the additional information that will be stored with ...
Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the registry or contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) for ...
Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the registry or contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) for ...
Verify the table reading order by tabbing through cells and ensuring the information is presented in an order that makes ...
Verify the URL in the Collaborate tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu). Make sure the server is functioning correctly, ...
Verify the user with the name entered below. SharePoint Workspace will display the user with this name from now on so you ...
Version Ids cannot be found in the configuration database |0. This indicates the configuration database is corrupt. Considering ...