Unable to process object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because it is a synonym. If the object referenced by the synonym is a table or view, retry the operation using the base object that the synonym references.
Unable to open and retrieve directory '{0}' handle. Error message: {1}. Please make sure that the directory exists, is not ...
Unable to open registry value '{1}' in the registry key '{0}'. The specified registry value is required to find sqlboot.dll ...
Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry for Dedicated Administrator Connection ...
Unable to persist object using default persistence. This error occurs when the default persistence is unable to determine ...
Unable to process object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because it is a synonym. If the object referenced by the synonym is a ...
Unable to process object ID %1!s! (object '%2!s!') because it is a stored procedure or user-defined function, which is not ...
Unable to process the request. This occurs when the operation cannot connect to the server or the operation failed to access ...
Unable to process your request because the URL contains the HistoryID parameter. This parameter is not supported when SharePoint ...
Unable to query the '{0}' cube: '{1}'. The cube must be queried for you to browse data or meta data. *$*Click here to retry ...