Create, edit, delete, and view all conditional formatting rules in the workbook by using the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager.
Create queries that cannot be created in design view, such as pass-through, data-definition, and union queries in SQL view. ...
Create reports about properties of the shapes in the diagram.Reports can be shown as shapes or exported to Excel, HTML or ...
Create rules that run when the form is submitted.To enable setting rules for submitting the form, open the Submit Options ...
Create, edit, delete, and find all the names used in the workbook.Names can be used in formulas as substitutes for cell references.For ...
Create, edit, delete, and view all conditional formatting rules in the workbook by using the Conditional Formatting Rules ...
created an error report that you can send to help us improve %@. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. ...
Credit a source of information by citing the book, article or other material it comes from.You can choose from a list of ...
criteria_range,criteria,.!Counts the number of cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria!is the range of cells ...
Crop your picture to remove any unwanted areas.Check out the dropdown for more options such as cropping to a specific shape ...