TCP Chimney Statistics for - %1!s! - Interface Index : %2!u! Supports IPv4 connection offload : %3!s! Supports IPv6 connection ...

TCP Chimney Statistics for - %1!s!
Interface Index                           : %2!u!
Supports IPv4 connection offload          : %3!s!
Supports IPv6 connection offload          : %4!s!
Attempted to offload connections          : %5!s!
Some TCP settings denied by the NIC       : %6!s!
NIC denied connection offload request     : %7!s!
Offload capacity advertised by the NIC    : %8!u! connections
Offload Capacity Observed by the system   : %9!u! connections
Number of currently offloaded connections : %10!u!
Successive offload attempt failures       : %11!u!
Reason why last attempt to offload failed : %12!s!