EXPLANATION You typed an incorrect value for a command option. ACTION To see the syntax of this command and its options, type: NET HELP command /OPTIONS
EXPLANATION You tried to use a service that is not running. ACTION To display a list of active services, type: NET START ...
EXPLANATION You tried to use the 12-hour format, but the time was followed by text that was neither AM nor PM. If you use ...
EXPLANATION You typed a command or ran a program that specified an invalid device name. ACTION If you specified the device ...
EXPLANATION You typed a command with two options that conflict, such as /YES and /NO. ACTION Retype the command without contradictory ...
EXPLANATION You typed an incorrect value for a command option. ACTION To see the syntax of this command and its options, ...
EXPLANATION You typed an invalid command option. ACTION To see a list of options for this command, type: NET HELP command ...
EXPLANATION You typed an invalid computer name or domain. ACTION Retype the command with a valid computer name or domain. ...
EXPLANATION You typed an invalid device name. ACTION Check the spelling of the device name. Valid device names are LPT1: ...
EXPLANATION You typed an invalid schedule date. ACTION Specify either a day of the month represented by a number between ...