Number of cache entries: %1!u! Estimated cloud size: %2!u! Number of registered names: %3!u! Throttled resolves: %4!I64u! Throttled solicits: %5!I64u! Throttled floods: %6!I64u! Throttled repairs: %7!I64u!
NULL value is not allowed for input stream and output stream sets. {0} and {1} are the supported input and output streams. ...
NUMA helps multiprocessor virtual machines scale better. With NUMA, the virtual machine's processors and memory are grouped ...
NUMA spanning cannot be disabled while virtual machines are running with NUMA spanning enabled. To disable NUMA spanning, ...
Number backup copies found: %1!lu! Number of backup copies to keep: %2!lu! Because the number of backup copies found is less ...
Number of cache entries: %1!u! Estimated cloud size: %2!u! Number of registered names: %3!u! Throttled resolves: %4!I64u! ...
Number of contiguous ProtectedSpaceExtents counted before looping back to the first ProtectedSpaceExtent of the current stripe. ...
Number of days after which an event can be overwritten. Values are: 0 = Any entry can be overwritten when necessary.1.365 ...
Number of distinct event providers that are enabled to ETW sessions; multiple instances of a provider are counted only once. ...
Number of downstream Ports on the Hub, including those embedded in the Hub's silicon. Individual USBPorts are associated ...