Your file cannot be saved. The file name may contain invalid characters, the path may be too long, or the folder may be read-only or unavailable. Please specify another file name or location.
Your computer needs more disk space to install ProductName successfully. Please free up some space on your system drive (for ...
Your computer needs more disk space to install ProductName successfully. Please free up some space on your system drive (for ...
Your Exchange server is temporarily unavailable. Communicator will automatically continue trying to reconnect. If this problem ...
Your Exchange server is temporarily unavailable. To establish a connection, sign out and sign back in to Communicator later. ...
Your file cannot be saved. The file name may contain invalid characters, the path may be too long, or the folder may be read-only ...
Your ink message cannot be delivered to all recipients; one or more recipients are offline or do not want to be disturbed: ...
Your message or invitation was not delivered, possibly because it contains a hyperlink or other content that the system administrator ...
Your password is required to synchronize with the corporate address book, but the sign-in dialog was canceled or closed. ...
Your search could not be completed because you are no longer signed in. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet, ...