Primary Group Missing. No primary group assigned to the user. Specify a primary group for the user before saving the user's UNIX attributes
Prevents users from adding or removing snap-ins or changing snap-in console properties. Users have full access to the tree. ...
Preview or scan a new document or picture, and choose scan settings Scan a document or picture, and manage the scanned file ...
Previous versions come from shadow copies, which are saved automatically to your computer's hard disk, or from backup copies. ...
Previous versions of ActiveSync cannot be installed on Windows Vista. The features previously found in ActiveSync are now ...
Primary Group Missing. No primary group assigned to the user. Specify a primary group for the user before saving the user's ...
principal %hs doesn't contain an '@' symbol. Looking for something of the form: foo@BAR.COM or xyz/foo@BAR.COM ^ ^ | | +-+- ...
Print head alignment is being executed. Referring to the patterns printed in columns A to F, select the pattern that shows ...
Print Management can not function correctly because the Windows Firewall is on and is set to not allow exceptions. Contact ...
Print Management can not function correctly because the Windows Firewall is on and is set to not allow exceptions. To enable ...