The Descriptions property values may contain human-readable descriptions of the object. In the case of an LDAP-derived instance, the description attribute may have multiple values that, therefore, cannot be placed in the inherited Description property.
The description for the destination IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet. ...
The description is displayed in the taskpad or as an InfoTip, depending on which option was selected for the taskpad view. ...
The Description property indicates the full name of the codec driver. This string is intended to be displayed in large (descriptive) ...
The Description property provides a description of the Windows operating system. Some user interfaces (those that allow editing ...
The Descriptions property values may contain human-readable descriptions of the object. In the case of an LDAP-derived instance, ...
The Desktop heap encountered an error while allocating session memory. There is more information in the system event log. ...
The Desktop Wallpaper could not be changed because there is not enough disk space. Please delete some files and try again. ...
The Desktop Window Manager has restarted locking system memory due to falling far enough below its working set threshold ...
The DesktopInteract parameter passes the value that indicates whether the service can create or communicate with windows ...