{0}: All authenticated incoming servers would be allowed to replicate. All existing authorization entries will be removed. Do you want to continue?
Alerts failed because of network failures or because the internal cache size was exceeded. If the problem persists, change ...
Alerts for a content source with a local address are only supported for a fixed media drive type. Use the UNC name for remote ...
Align text to both left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary. This creates a clean look along ...
Aligning the nodes and sockets of a virtual machine to the hardware topology helps improve the performance of NUMA-aware ...
All authenticated incoming servers would be allowed to replicate. All existing authorization entries will be removed. Do ...
All authentication sets have been deleted from the IPsec configuration on this computer. IPsec Phase: %1 Store Type: %2 ModifyingUser: ...
All certificate authentication methods using the same certificate signing algorithm must be grouped together in each list. ...
All certificate authentications using the same signing algorithm must have the same require health setting. You cannot specify ...
All connection security rules have been deleted from the IPsec configuration on this computer. Store Type: %1 ModifyingUser: ...