This property is a set of bit flags that specify when to start the service. One of the following types of service start must ...

This property is a set of bit flags that specify when to start the service.  One of the following types of service start must be specified in this column.  Type of service start   Value   Description   SERVICE_AUTO_START   0x00000002   A service start during startup of the system.  SERVICE_DEMAND_START   0x00000003   A service start when the service control manager calls the StartService function.  SERVICE_DISABLED   0x00000004   Specifies a service that can no longer be started.  The following types of service starts are valid only for driver services.  Type of driver service start  ValueDescription   SERVICE_BOOT_START   0x00000000   A device driver started by the operating system loader.  SERVICE_SYSTEM_START   0x00000001   A device driver started by calling the IoInitSystem function. Use this in the ServiceControl Table, with the StartServices action put after the InstallServices action, to start a driver service during an install.
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