Usage : fsutil 8dot3name strip DirectoryPath This command permanently removes 8dot3 file names from your volume. It will ...

Usage : fsutil 8dot3name strip      DirectoryPath

This command permanently removes 8dot3 file names from your volume. It will
list the registry keys pointing to the stripped 8dot3names but will not modify
the affected registry keys. Stripping will not be performed on files with full
path names longer than the maximum path length of 260 characters.

If there are affected registry keys and you decide to use the override
switch /f, it is recommended that you backup your volume as it may lead to
unexpected application failures, including the inability to uninstall.

  /t - Test mode - specifies that all operations should be performed
          except the actual stripping of the file names.
  /s - Recurse mode - specifies that this operation should also be
          applied to subdirectories.
  /f - Force mode - specifies that the directory should be stripped even
          if there are registry conflicts.
  /v - Verbose mode - specifies that all information logged should also
          be printed out to the console.
  /l - Specifies a log file to write to.  This must be followed by a path to the
          log file.  If this option is not specified the log file will be:
            "%	emp%%\8dot3_removal_log@(GMT YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS).log"

Sample command:
  "fsutil 8dot3name strip /l mylogfile.log /s D:\MyData"