FCB Cache % Hit is the percentage of schema records (FCBs) opened directly from the schema record cache. No file operations were required. [Dev Only]
FCB Asynchronous Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) purged during asynchronous schema record cleanup. ...
FCB Asynchronous Scan/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) scanned during asynchronous schema record cleanup. ...
FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) purged during asynchronous schema record ...
FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Scan/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) scanned during asynchronous schema record ...
FCB Cache % Hit is the percentage of schema records (FCBs) opened directly from the schema record cache. No file operations ...
FCB Cache Available is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) currently allocated but not in use. These records will ...
FCB Cache Preferred is the preferred maximum number of the schema records (FCBs) that should exist in the cache. Dev Only] ...
FCB Cache Stalls/sec is the number of stalls encountered while waiting for exclusive ownership of cached schema records (FCBs) ...
FCB Purge On Cursor Close/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) being synchronously purged when the cursor is ...