If you select 0 (First), the program will print the contact name as the first line in a mailing address, followed by the company name, then the street, and so on.
If you receive a fixed discountpercent from some of your vendors, do you want the system to calculate this discount automatically ...
If you select "Adjust Amount", LCY will be adjusted for any exchange rate gains or losses. If you select "Adjust Additional-Currency ...
If you select "Payment Tolerance Accounts", the payment discount tolerance is posted to a special G/L account. If you select ...
If you select "Sell-to/Buy-from No." posting groups in purchase/sales orders are determined by the customer/vendor selected ...
If you select 0 (First), the program will print the contact name as the first line in a mailing address, followed by the ...
If you select Lowest Value Adjustment then receivables are not revalued above the originally posted amount and that payables ...
If you select this folder as your Queue folder, you will delete all the messages in the folder, and your messages cannot ...
If you select Yes the program will base its warning on a calculation that includes all posted item entries plus sales order ...
If you select Yes, you will get a warning to appear every time an application has a balance amount within the tolerance specified ...