One or more required files are missing or corrupt. Repair your device using the Microsoft Office Starter To-Go Device Manager.
One or more projects have impact ratings defined against this driver. Deleting this driver will also delete all project impact ...
One or more recipients of this message are not on your Allow List. To send this message now, remove these name(s). Or, ask ...
One or more recordings have not been indexed. The recordings are indexed when your computer is idle and (!idspnOneNote) is ...
One or more required components of (!idspnInfoPath) or the form template cannot run because of a security restriction. Contact ...
One or more required files are missing or corrupt. Repair your device using the Microsoft Office Starter To-Go Device Manager. ...
One or more required Office components failed to complete successfully. For more information, consult the setup log file. ...
One or more rows were deleted from the table in Excel but the corresponding rows in the SharePoint list cannot be deleted. ...
One or more rules cannot be uploaded to Microsoft Exchange and have been deactivated. This could be because some of the parameters ...
One or more rules cannot be uploaded to Microsoft Exchange Server, because there is insufficient space to store your rules. ...