{\"^1\" has a routing slip.}Do you want to route the project now to ^2? \- To route the project through e-mail to the names on the routing slip, click Yes. \- To close this project file without routing it to the names on the routing slip, click No. \- If you do not want to close this project file, click Cancel.
Group two or more selected objects together so that they will be treated as one object. Click Ungroup to split them back ...
Grouping is applied to one or more fields of this PivotTable. What-If Analysis cannot be enabled when grouping is applied. ...
Guest Book - Use this page to collect the reactions of visitors to your web site. All of the comments submitted by users ...
Half Gauge indicator, quantitative - three bands with favorable represented by green on the right and unsatisfactory by red ...
has a routing slip.}Do you want to route the project now to ^2? \- To route the project through e-mail to the names on the ...
has added you as a colleague and will be able to follow your activities such as profile updates, blog updates, and tagging ...
has already been mapped to a different field in Project.}You cannot specify multiple mappings for a single field name. Type ...
has been changed since the last time you opened it, either by another user or because another instance of it was opened on ...
has been modified. Reopening this file will cause any changes you made to the file to be discarded. Do you want to reopen ...