Call customer service for {0}.
After you're connected with a customer service representative, ask them to turn on "Call Forward Busy" and "Call Forward No Answer" on your mobile phone.
Verify with them that they're not turning on unconditional, regular, or normal call forwarding.
When they ask what number you want to use, tell them: {1}.
Call Answering Protected Voice Messages is the total number of protected voice messages that were submitted because calls ...
Call Answering Rules Download Failures % is the percentage of failures that occurred while downloading or evaluating a call ...
Call Answering Voice Message Protection Failures is the total number of voice messages, submitted because calls were answered ...
Call Answering Voice Messages is the total number of voice messages that were submitted for delivery because the calls were ...
Call customer service for {0}. After you're connected with a customer service representative, ask them to turn on "Call Forward ...
Call Duration Exceeded is the number of calls that were disconnected because they exceeded the UM maximum call length. This ...
Calls cannot be forwarded to this destination. Specify an alternative call-forwarding destination in Office Communicator. ...
Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass is the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while ...
Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass is the number of calls in which the caller disconnected while UM ...