The shift you are about to blind close is a shared shift. Please ensure that all other users are logged out before continuing. Blind closing a shared shift while other users are logged in may lead to a bad state for other currently logged on users. Do you want to continue?
The severity has been set to CRITICAL. Do you agree, this severity is appropriate and someone will be available immediately ...
The SharePoint Document Library creation is in progress. Are you sure you want to cancel the creation of the document library? ...
The SharePoint Online site URL is not valid. Please provide a valid URL to allow Lifecycle Services to connect and store ...
The SharePoint URL cannot use "localhost" as the server name. You must specify a URL that can be resolved from other computers. ...
The shift you are about to blind close is a shared shift. Please ensure that all other users are logged out before continuing. ...
The shift you are about to close is a shared shift. Please ensure that all other users are logged out before continuing. ...
The shift you are about to suspend is a shared shift. Please ensure that all other users are logged out before continuing. ...
The shipment for load %1 could not be confirmed because it contains a batch that has batch disposition code blocked for shipping. ...
The shipment for load %1 could not be confirmed because route %2 also contains load %3. The loads have different settings ...