Peak User Count Premium is the largest number of users that were simultaneously connected to Outlook Web Access since the process was restarted.
Password validation failed. Please re-enter the password. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case. Make ...
Peak Client Connections is the maximum number of clients that have been connected to the NSPI Proxy at any one point, since ...
Peak User Count is the largest number of users simultaneously connected to Outlook Web Access since the process was restarted. ...
Peak User Count Light is the largest number of users that were simultaneously connected to Outlook Web Access since the process ...
Peak User Count Premium is the largest number of users that were simultaneously connected to Outlook Web Access since the ...
Percentage of Interesting Events is the percentage of events generated on the database that are processed by the assistants. ...
Percentage of Notifications Optimized Base is base measure used to calculate the percentage of notifications that were optimized ...
Percentage of Notifications Optimized is the percentage of notifications that were optimized (marked as done without being ...
Performance counters for NSPI Proxy could not be initialized. Performance data will not be available for the NSPI Proxy until ...